Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Aerial View of Zinakekele

I did visit Zinakekele this last week end. I was just a few hundred feet above you. I took these photys from up top. The little community looks pretty cool from here. I heard the visit was rather awesome at ground level too, so well done to everybody who went.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

a shade of blue - 25/04/09

as promised via twitter here is an update of our visit to zinakekele yesterday,
a shade of blue, not necessarily a bad shade but a shade regardless,
left church around 9am or so, all 12 of us, a manageable number, not too many, not too few.. just right:) we took out blessed hearts and hopes, a guitar, groceries and about a ton of easter eggs:) ok not a ton but close:) ok not close but there were a lot of them! we shared the message of easter with all the kids and had an awesome time in the sun playing all sorts of games, was great to see MJ again! she is doing alright still battling with her leg but we have given her a mission to get it sorted our as soon as possible:)but we're going to try make it easy for her. we spoke about accountablity and food management, MJ now feeds about 30 or so kids breakfast and dinner daily and between 80 & 100 people lunch daily:) she is an angel with out wings! our next visit is going to be on the 23rd of May looking forward to it! will keep you guys updated!

everyone in a circle//why did Jesus die for us and why the easter eggs

a little princess trying to open her easter egg

what you looking at??

enjoying an egg of chocolate goodness

we are all made clean by the same cross

Friday, April 24, 2009

conversations on giving

it seems all of my conversations of late have been around the topic of giving, every aspect of it, giving time, giving money, from the reasons behind the act to its foundation in scripture to making it a practical daily action for people who have more than enough to give to the less fortunate, is it a perception that needs to be change in our minds? is it someones fault? today i met so many people in need, i drove past some i should have stopped and helped.. went to an amazing food bank and soup kitchen today, the give without question if you're in need they're there for you. made me think about how i give//about how to live//what are we giving?

Monday, April 20, 2009

paying the poor

intrigued by a recent post, if you pay people to be poor, you'll never run out of poor people by dan hannan

"this big idea is very simply stated. Poverty is not simply an absence of money. rather, it is bound up with a whole set of other circumstances: lack of qualifications, demoralisation, family break-up, substance abuse, fatherlessness. it follows that you do not end poverty by giving money to the poor.. ..only when you tackle poverty holistically will you facilitate meaningful improvement."

if we really want to help we need to make sure the money we give is being used to change a situation for a group of people and not to enable the poverty to continue, it comes down to a level of commitment.. how much are you willing to commit when you give money? does the transaction end when the money leaves your hands or do you ensure it makes a meaningful change?

i think of it like this>
what rog(return on gift) can you give to the poor person? will the gift keep them where they are or will it help them improve their situation? where does your giving start and where does it end?

Gandhi - “Poverty, is the worst form of violence.”

Sunday, April 19, 2009


if you are not generous with a meager income, you will never be generous with abundance. harold nye

harold hit the nail on the head there, another great quote to get us thinking, constantly evaluating how much we give, if you are reading this post, this line right now, you have abundance/surplus.. what are you going to do with all of it?

may we never forget that feeling of giving, that internal smile of joy..

Friday, April 17, 2009


Live Simply So That Others May Simply Live ~ Ghandi

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I am 1

“I am one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something; I will not refuse to do something I can do.” - Helen Keller

Monday, April 13, 2009

a perspective on giving

giving and its three stages visited..

what stops you from giving?


Sunday, April 5, 2009

Saturday, April 4, 2009

commUN1TY on twitter

we are on twitter..
have found it brilliant connecting to other npo's
there have been some insightful nuggets of information shared by the people and organisations we are following

some of are favourites on twitter are//


want to be apart of our conversation??
you can follow commUN1TY @ http://twitter.com/commUN1TY

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

new mission complete

well done everyone! it is now afternoon and our mission is complete we have managed to support the sloth bear for a whopping 5 hours, raising awareness and Hope for the little creatures:)

thank you everyone - you can now carry on with your lives.

new mission

it's a new month and therefore commun1ty has decided on a new mission,
something close to all of our hearts.

the sloth bear foundation

is a battling organisation that protects and preserves the endangered sloth bears and their habitats from destruction.

we feel that this is logically the next step for commun1ty.
shame, some of the bears are forced to eat nuts, fruit and small insects.
this morning marks a change in the way commun1ty views Sloth bears.

just the other day we heard of a story we a sloth bear was separated from it's mother as it was taking from a zoo in mexico and placed into a a small forest in south america. we need to be apart of the solution.

more updates coming soon.