Monday, April 20, 2009

paying the poor

intrigued by a recent post, if you pay people to be poor, you'll never run out of poor people by dan hannan

"this big idea is very simply stated. Poverty is not simply an absence of money. rather, it is bound up with a whole set of other circumstances: lack of qualifications, demoralisation, family break-up, substance abuse, fatherlessness. it follows that you do not end poverty by giving money to the poor.. ..only when you tackle poverty holistically will you facilitate meaningful improvement."

if we really want to help we need to make sure the money we give is being used to change a situation for a group of people and not to enable the poverty to continue, it comes down to a level of commitment.. how much are you willing to commit when you give money? does the transaction end when the money leaves your hands or do you ensure it makes a meaningful change?

i think of it like this>
what rog(return on gift) can you give to the poor person? will the gift keep them where they are or will it help them improve their situation? where does your giving start and where does it end?

Gandhi - “Poverty, is the worst form of violence.”

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